Greek and Armenian Genocide Through Platanides

Understanding the Greek and Armenian Genocide Through “Platanides”

A Historical Overview of the Greek and Armenian Genocide


William Planes’ book, “Platanides: Through The Eye of The Storm,” provides a personal perspective on the Greek and Armenian genocide, a tragic event that claimed countless lives. This article delves into the historical context of the genocide as depicted in the book.

The Genocide of September 1922

The Role of Kamel Ataturk

The genocide of September 1922, led by Kamel Ataturk, marked a dark chapter in the history of Asia Minor. The Platanides family, like many others, was caught in the crossfire of this brutal campaign. The book offers a detailed account of these events from a personal perspective.

The Aftermath of the Genocide

Life as Refugees


The survivors of the genocide, including the Platanides family, were forced to flee their homeland and seek refuge in Greece. This period of displacement is vividly described in the book, highlighting the struggles and challenges faced by those who escaped the atrocities.

The Long-Term Impact on Descendants


The effects of the genocide were felt for generations. The book explores how these events shaped the lives of the Platanides family and their descendants, leaving a lasting impact on their identity and sense of belonging.

The Importance of Remembering History


Lessons for Future Generations


“Platanides: Through The Eye of The Storm” serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of remembering history. The book encourages readers to learn from the past to prevent similar atrocities in the future.

Honoring the Victims


By sharing the story of his family, William Planes honors the memory of those who suffered during the genocide. This book is a tribute to their resilience and a call to never forget the lessons of history.

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