
The Untold Story of Survival and Faith: “Platanides: Through The Eye of The Storm

A Journey Through History and Faith


William Planes’ book, “Platanides: Through The Eye of The Storm,” is a poignant recount of survival, resilience, and unwavering faith. This historical memoir explores the life of a Christian boy born in Asia Minor in 1908 and the harrowing experiences his family endured during the Greek and Armenian genocide.

Escaping the Genocide

The Dark Days of September 1922


In September 1922, under the leadership of Kamel Ataturk, a tragic event unfolded. Greek and Armenian Christians faced genocide, a dark chapter that deeply impacted the Platanides family. This book chronicles their escape from this horrifying event, highlighting the strength and determination required to survive.

Refuge in Greece


After fleeing their homeland, the Platanides family sought refuge in Greece. The book vividly describes their struggles as refugees, capturing the emotional and physical toll of displacement. This chapter of their lives serves as a testament to their resilience and faith in the face of adversity.

Surviving World War II in Crete


Life Under German Occupation

The story doesn’t end with their escape from genocide. The Platanides family eventually settled on the Island of Crete, where they faced new challenges during the German occupation in World War II. This part of the book provides a gripping account of survival during one of history’s most brutal wars.

The Power of Faith


Throughout these trials, the Platanides family’s faith remained unshaken. The book emphasizes how their Christian beliefs provided them with the strength to endure unimaginable hardships. Their faith not only helped them survive but also shaped the legacy they left behind.

The Journey to America


Immigrating to a New Land


The final chapters of the book describe the boy’s journey to America, where he hoped to start a new life. This migration marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with opportunities and challenges in a foreign land.

A Legacy of Resilience

In America, the boy, now a man, builds a life for himself and his descendants. The book highlights how the values of faith, resilience, and perseverance continued to guide the family, ensuring that the legacy of survival and faith lived on.

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